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Borden River Valley

This trip through the Borden river valley On August 4, 2003 was actually a mistake. We had intended on seeing the Slesse valley but turned off the main road one road early. The Borden valley proved to be quite extensive and so we spent the day exploring it. There were some amazing views but the hazy conditions rendered much of the photography questionable.

We did face a challenge with one very large and deep road diversion on our way back. It took some careful planning and two attempts to get across it! The size of it did stop us from pursuing that particular road any further though.

Mt. Cheam

It was a beautiful day for hiking to the summit of Mt. Cheam, just east of Chilliwack, BC. These images were captured during our hike to the summit. It was a clear view from the summit with views in all directions. One could see Mt. Baker in the south and the Gulf Islands in the West. Harrison Lake in the North was also spectacular. The Meanderings of the Fraser River with its many side branches was an inspiring sight, even from this elevation, the size and power of the river was impressive. It was a busy day on the mountain, one large group of 30 was ahead of us and we met them at the top. I estimated that there were over 70 people up there while we were hiking! A popular hike, not too difficult and well worth the effort.

Liumchen Lake Hike

This was our second attempt to hike to the lake. Our previous try was wet and too cold to do the whole trail. On this day we encountered a few people along the path, but generally we walked through the solitude of the hills. The views from the high point of the trail gave us two different settings. On the way out, we had clear skies with views to the distance. On our return, clouds had moved in and gave us the same views with cloud enshrouded peaks. Two scenes for the price of one. The varied scenery was inspiring both for its raw beauty and its variety.  

The lake, though not large, had many points of interest. I will need to return another day to hike around the lake and capture images from all sides. As we were on the final leg of the return, the clouds had thickened, and we could hear Thunder in the distance. As I reached the car, the rain started and once my second boot was off, a downpour hit us. Good timing for a change! 

Harrison West

The views from Mount Woodside were particularly scenic today. The weather held off well for photography. We happened upon a number of paragliders launching themselves from the mountain. They yielded some very interesting shots with the valley below. Next, a number of images of the Chehalis River and a Beaver pond were individually worth the trip. 

Church Mtn Tamihi River

These images were taken in mid spring in the local hills. Once again, the snow prevented us from attaining the full drive into the hills. We did manage to get about a kilometer further up Church Mountain. When we stopped, we went for a hike through the snowfall. Once it reached a meter in depth, we turned back. I found the mosses and greens of the Tamihi River particularly inspiring this trip. Some great shots were obtained by the river. 

The Garden of Don Giacomazzi

Oon owns a farm along 0 Ave in South Langley. Between the demands of farming, he has the opportunity to landscape a collection of beautiful plants and flowers. His collection comprises several hundred varieties, which bloom at different times throughout the year. This brief collection of images captures a few of the plants peaking in mid-June. He has big ambitions to grow the garden and add many more exotic specimens. I am sure that he will soon be able to charge for tours of the place. I found the selection very pleasing to the eye. On a clear day, Mount Baker forms a backdrop to many of the views of the garden. I will need to return to capture the sights with Mount Baker adding to the adventure. 

San Francisco

These photos were captured during a brief business trip. The views were breath-taking and I wished I could have stayed for the sunset! Perhaps next time I will be able to remain there longer and capture a more complete set of views.

I am quite amazed at the ruggedness of the coast in and around San Francisco. I always picture the beaches with white sand and big waves. Not these sheer cliffs and rugged rocks. I do enjoy their ruggedness, much more than wide sandy beaches for photography.  

The shape of the trees was another uniqueness that caught my attention. There are many interesting shapes to the trees here. Some of the shaping is due to sculpting by the wind, but many are just the natural weirdness of the particular species. 

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