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Nairn Falls
This is a popular waterfall and campground just outside of Pemberton and not one I had visited. As my friend Ralph wanted to go see it again, we set off for Pemberton and spent some time at the falls enjoying the views and crowds as we both gathered some photos.
Sumallo River
It is a quaint little get away location and one we last visited 4 years ago. So we felt it needed a return visit. Surprisingly, very little had changed.
Bowen Island
I was here to scout the island to find a nice spot to operate in a radio contest later this month. During our travels I was able to do some photography of the scenery and quite enjoy the sights of the island.
Hiking Mt. Hansen
This was our second attempt to reach the summit of this mountain. This time the weather was cooler and we were able to reach the summit and the sub-peak to enjoy the views from both.
Hiking Mount Agassiz
It was fun being at the top of a peak again this Saturday, we had planned the hike a couple months back to operate our ham radios from the summit. The view from the overlook was quite pleasant as well.
Upper Mamquam
We explored the farthest portions of the river today, seeing a few new sights and generally just enjoying the day.
Mt Mulligan and Anif Peak
Our second hike for the summer, though we got soaked in the wet shrubs and plants, we made it to both summits. We enjoyed most of the hike though it was much steeper than we preferred considering the wet vegetation.
Pitt Lake Loop
It was rated as moderate and only 12km in length. The reality was so much different. We did get a few nice scenes but was it worth it?
Anderson River Heights
We returned to the Anderson River area to travel a road we missed before and see if we could reach Gate Mountain. Though short of our goal we did find many amazing sights.
Sunnyside Mushroom Farm
It’s been a few years since I checked out the mushroom farm in south Surrey. They were growing well again this year!
Rockway & Decew Falls (Day 2)
Our first day out this season. We decided to explore some waterfalls and spent the day at Rockway and then Decew Falls. Both were lovely and had lots of colour for us to enjoy.
Southwold and Dutton (day 6)
The sun came out finally and I was able to get out and enjoy some bright Fall colours. I set out for the Southwold and Dutton areas for today's adventure.
Central Elgin (day 7)
Perhaps not a great day for outdoor photography but it felt good to be out and enjoying the scenery
John Pearce Park & Duttona Beach (day 8)
Today I returned to John Pearce Park and then continued along to Duttona Beach, it was a pleasant drive and the scenery exquisite
Chilliwack Lake Beach
The beach two-thirds the way down Chilliwack Lake is a beautiful spot to spend a sunny late autumn afternoon.
The Snowless Western Harrison
The West Harrison was clear of snow and ready for us to enjoy the beauty of the area on the first day of the New Year.
Lost Creek
The Lost Creek area is always a busy place full of people coming to see the backcountry. It is so accessible that one finds many driving cars, often where they shouldn’t.
Britannia Beach
The hills in behind the residential area is full of roads and interesting artifacts from the old mining days. There is much to see hidden away in the trees.

Activating Mt. Lincoln
Ralph and I hiked to the summit of Mt. Lincoln to operate our ham radios and contact others across North America. It was a good hike and we had a fun time chatting with hams across the U.S.
Squamish B200
The second branch off the Squamish mainline offers a lot of area to explore, we spent the day scouting our coming hike up Tricouni Peak and just enjoying the fresh air!
Silver – Skagit Valley
It always feels great to be in the hills, but today’s trip almost seemed like a drive along the back farm roads, the road was so smooth
Tricouni Peak
Our first summit of the season. A beautiful area with alpine lakes but a very muddy trail and excessive sun made for a challenging hike
Uztilius Adventure
We returned to the Uztilius region with its massive road system to explore a few more locations and enjoy the sights of the alpine plateau
Mt. Hollyburn Activated
We chose Hollyburn for today’s adventure as we needed a summit we could pack radio gear up to without too much difficulty, it was a good choice and we had a very successful day
Trestle Bridges and the Dewdney
We hiked in to see the Ladner Creek Trestle Bridge and then spent the afternoon avoiding vacationers on the Dewdney FSR
Anif Peak Exposed
Geoff and I returned to Anif Peak to climb it again without the clouds which obscured our view on our previous visit, it was a very satisfying view
Lincoln and Region (Day 2)
It felt good being back in Ontario enjoying the colours of the forests and Escarpment
Winona and Binbrook (Day 3)
Another cloudy day giving us muted colours and time to enjoy the sights rather than take photos
Spencer Gorge (Day 4)
Spencer Gorge has been a favourite location of mine over the years. Today we decided to visit it again and enjoy the colours from the cliff face.
Dutton (Day 8)
Finally some sun! Today I enjoyed revisiting some sights along Lake Erie, west of Port Stanley
Central Elgin (Day 9)
It was a bright sunny day to enjoy the region around Sparta and there I found small patches of brilliant colour scattered among the bare trees.
Western Harrison – Midway
It felt so good to be back out in the BC outdoors, today we returned to the Harrison area and explored some areas around 20 Mile Bay
Big Silver Creek
It was cold and windy but the bright sun and open vistas made for a lovely time in the back country.
East Harrison and the Talc
We returned to the Harrison region and took a side trip up the Talc Creek Valley
Slesse, Centre and Nesakwatch Valleys
We travelled the three valleys today and actually explored new road we hadn’t seen before
Ruby Creek
A small nearby area but full of interesting sights and high activity
Farrer Peak
Though early in the season, the lack of snow and a sunny day made hiking this summit a very enjoyable trek
Camp Cove
For many years we looked down on Camp Cove as we drove the West Harrison and wondered what it was like down there as the entrance was always gated.
Kaiyama Petroglyphs
For the past few years I have wanted to find the Kaiyama Petroglyphs as noted on the backcountry map books. Well today we finally succeeded in observing them.
Hale Peak
A hike up Hale Peak to the old forestry lookout at the summit and there we played with radios.
A surprising little Jewel, the area looks quite unassuming on the map but once you get past the narrow entrance the valley really impresses and just keeps giving
Return to Elaho
The Elaho is such a lovely valley, I just wish it was closer so I could visit it more often.
Lighthouse West
Nick and I enjoyed a short stroll along the rocks on the western shore of Lighthouse Park
Field Day on Blackwall Peak
An over-night in Manning Park so we could spend as much time on the summit of Blackwall peak as possible
Garnet Creek Almost
I keep trying to revisit a very scenic location far up the Garnet Creek valley. We got close today but then the truck threw a tantrum and forced us home.
Mount Strachan Adventure
An amazing view and well worth the hike, I was overdue for a return
American Creek Rock Hopping
We returned to the Garnet Creek area but after last trip we took the easy right-hand branch and spent the day exploring a lovely lake and creek bed
Campbell Valley
A walk through the park is always enjoyable. Today we hiked the Vine Maple Trail
Victoria week-end
I try to visit Victoria once a year to relax and enjoy a slower pace of life, it was a good visit
Wells Peak on the Air
The mountain was a great host for the day and offered us some gorgeous views along the way